Zappos: Low Brow Genius

Here’s the longitude/latitude of PR now:


Naked runner guy viral video marketing PR social media campaign.

(1) Convergence of PR/marketing and social media.
(2) Demotic (downward and out-there) cultural styling:

(a) sexual
(b) snarky
(c) adolescent
(d) slapstick (Monty Python/Bennie Hill)

Zappos succeeds in hitting the sweet spot of pop culture at this cultural turning moment.

In the postwar fedora-wearing, bullet bra era depicted in “Mad Men”,US cultural style was middle brow — the  creative fallout of Princeton-educated Eng lit types who ruled Madison Avenue.

In the Milennial Internet era observed online, US cultural style has gone Zappos: low brow emo, snarky, sexy, “Animal House.”  The web comes across as the collective expression of adolescent Id & ego mashed up with engineer geekiness.

Soundtrack: Jonathan  Coulton.

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